
How Can a Phoenix Center Blog Help You?

I tend to be dragged into using new technology kicking and screaming. I remember as a medical student vowing I would never use that bizarre thing called the internet. As usual then, I am a little behind on seeing the value of blogs. My first impression was that they are basically online diaries or a way for folks with too much time on their hands to get more attention. I guess it is time for me to eat crow (especially not easy for a vegetarian). I am hoping that this blog will be useful to you for the following reasons:

  1. More Connectedness with Each Other – we only see each for a limited amount of time during appointments. This blog will help us have more frequent contact.
  2. More Connectedness with the World – in a blog format, we can get feedback from others outside our immediate area on how they deal with common problems.
  3. Information Sharing – you ask me good questions. Why shouldn’t everyone hear the answers and enter the discussion?
  4. Better Treatment – by maintaining this blog, I can share the latest research, links, and tools that I find interesting or useful in a more timely manner, so you make use of them now.
  5. Assessment – I will be adding links to common diagnostic questionnaires that you can fill out and bring in for discussion. Every now and then I find that you may not think certain symptoms are even symptoms, so don’t let me know about them. These tools should help increase your awareness of what to be looking for.

As we go along I am sure we will find many other benefits to blogging. Please check in and give feedback on the process.

Hope you have a great day today!

Dr. Shell

7 thoughts on “How Can a Phoenix Center Blog Help You?

  1. Great idea and tool for all of us. I like the inclusion of diagnostic questionnaires …. i would also be interested in any books that you feel might be helpful for specific issues (i.e. depression, anxiety). Your blog could be a place for sharing info about on-going groups that could be helpful (i.e. grief groups). It could be a place for someone to ask about whether anyone knows of a resource in the community (i.e. art therapy group, caregiver support group) that might be helpful to their specific needs.

    It will be fun to see how your blog evolves over time. Mahalo

  2. hhmm………. never blogged before. i will enjoy seeing the progression. i do like the idea of people sharing solutions to what ever might ail them or challenges that life might throw at them. there is nothing quite like identifying with someone to make a new friend.

    • Thanks for your feedback everyone. Let’s give it a try. I did start a reading list page which I will add to. And adding information on groups and other community resources is a great idea. I hope to work on that soon.

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